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J. C. De Villiers
S. D. Delport
R.C. Ballard
N. A. Cameron
A. D. Rothberg
D.E. Ballot
A. D. Rothberg
Elmin Steyn
A. R. P. Walker
D. Labadorios
D. A. C. White
Yasmin Von Schirnding
Nicky Padayachee


Selective posterior rhizotomy in the treatment of spasticity

Prevention ofcongenital syphilis by effective maternal screening at antenatal clinics

Some reasons for the failure to notify congenital syphilis

Towards a future policy for transplantation in South Africa

The neuroleptic malignant syndrome - still a conundrum

Healthy cities for a future South Africa

Journal Identifiers

eISSN: 2078-5135
print ISSN: 0256-9574