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Non-fatal suicidal behaviour in women - the role of spousal substance abuse and marital violence

A L Pillay
M B W van der Veen
D R Wassenaar


Objective. To investigate the precipitants of non-fatal suicidal behaviour in women using a gender-based comparison.
Design. A retrospective analysis of case records. Data were analysed using chi-square tests of significance.
Subjects. One hundred men and 100 women admitted for non-fatal suicidal behaviour at a general hospital.
Outcome measures. Subjects' biographical details and self reports of precipitating factors such as marital conflict, spousal extramarital affairs, alcohol abuse and marital violence.
Results. Significantly more married women than men cited spousal extramarital affairs, spousal alcohol abuse and marital violence as precipitants of their self-destructive behaviours.
Conclusion. The findings emphasise the role of spousal behaviour and resultant stress in precipitating non-fatal suicidal behaviour in women. Preventive efforts must focus on the psychological, social and economic empowerment of women.

Journal Identifiers

eISSN: 2078-5135
print ISSN: 0256-9574