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JP van Niekerk


C. F. van der Merwe

Magnesium 1993 Ed. by SW. Golf, D. Dralle and J. Vecchiet. Pp. 432. Illustrated. £46,00/US$85,00. London: John Libbey & Company Limited. 1993. ISBN 0-86196-360-1.

Thorny J. L. de Ravel

Maternal-Fetal Toxicology. A Clinician's Guide 2nd edition. Ed. by Gideon Koren. Pp. 824. $175,00. New York: Marcel Dekker Inc. 1994. ISBN 0-8247-8841-9.

B. V. Mendelow

General and Oncologic Haematology for Nursing and the Paramedical Professions By Peter Jacobs and Lucille Wood. Pp. x + 483. Illustrated. Cape Town: University of Cape Town. 1995. ISBN 0-7992-1618-6.

Tim Dunne

Medical Statistics on Personal Computers* 2nd Edition. By R. A. Brown and J. Swanson Beck. Pp. ix + 138. Illustrated. £13,00. London: BMJ. 1994. ISBN 0-7279-0771-9.

 Don Wilson

Manual of Clinfual Psychophannacorogy 2nd edition. By Alan F. Schatzberg and Jonathan O. Cole. Pp. xv + 347. R175,00. Washington: American Psychiatric Press Inc. 1991. ISBN 0-88048-318-0.

George Dall

Physical Signs in Orthopaedics* By Henry John Walsh and Leslie Klenerman. Pp. vii + 90.
Illustrated. London: BMJ. ·1994. ISBN 0-7279-0845-6. 

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eISSN: 2078-5135
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