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Author Biographies
Janina Theron
Department of General Linguistics, Faculty of Arts and Social Sciences, Stellenbosch University, Private Bag X1, Matieland 7602, South Africa
Simone Conradie
Department of General Linguistics, Faculty of Arts and Social Sciences, Stellenbosch University, Private Bag X1, Matieland 7602, South Africa
Renata Schoeman
Department of Chemical Pathology, Faculty of Health Sciences, Stellenbosch University, PO Box 19010, Tygerberg 7505, South Africa
Main Article Content
Pragmatic assessment of schizophrenic bilinguals’ L1 and L2 use
Janina Theron
Simone Conradie
Renata Schoeman
This paper reports on a study investigating the pragmatic skills and deficits of schizophrenic bilinguals in their spontaneous first language (L1) and second language (L2) speech. Smit (2009) (see also Smit et al., this volume) argues that the locus of deficits in schizophrenic speech is semantics and suggests that a next step would be to investigate the pragmatic skills of schizophrenic bilinguals, given the close relationship between semantics and pragmatics. The study reported here followed up on Smit’s suggestion and employed Prutting and Kirchner’s (1987) Pragmatic Protocol to pragmatically assess the spontaneous L1 Afrikaans and L2 English use of four schizophrenic bilinguals who exhibited differential symptomatology, that is presented with different symptoms, as well as a difference in the severity thereof, when assessed in their L1 than when assessed in their L2. On the basis of the results of the assessment we conclude that such pragmatic assessment (i) provides insight into the nature of schizophrenic speech but (ii) does not provide insight into the phenomenon of differential symptomatology.
Southern African Linguistics and Applied Language Studies 2011, 29(4): 515–531
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