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Beeldskemas van tydsduur: die polisemiese aard van terwyl, onderwylen wyl
Abstract: This article shows how the polysemic nature af a group of subordinating conjunctions in Afrikaans, ‘terwyl', ‘onderwyl'and ‘wyl' (meaning nuances of ‘while'and ‘whilst') can be explained in terms of three underlying image schemas. The expansion of their meaning is depicted through chains of meaning. In accordance with the basic tenets of cognitive linguistics a usage-based approach is followed. In the most basic meaning the subordinate clause introduced by ‘terwyl' describes the background against which a foreground event takes place. This representation is shown in schema 1. The foreground event occurs within the time span of a background event. In schema 2 we depict simultaneous foreground and background events. In addition to events with equal time span, this schema also depicts contradiction and concession in the more abstract sense. In cases wheregroups are compared in numerical terms schema 3 can be used to express ‘part-of-whole'. Further augmentation of meaning causes loss of cohesion and a discontinuous series of events is listed. ‘Onderwyl' and ‘wyl'can be seen as partial synonyms of ‘terwyl'. Their use is less frequent andless grammaticalisation was observed than in the case of ‘terwyl'.
Southern African Linguistics and Applied Language Studies 2007, 25(1): 57–73