In this paper I illustrate two generalisations involving subject and object markers in SiSwati. Subject markers are obligatory with finite verbs, irrespective of whether or not the corresponding subject NPs are clause-internal, clause-external, or omitted; while object markers are in complementary distribution with a verb phrase internal object noun phrase. Then I make explicit some basic theoretical assumptions, after which I provide an analysis of this subject and object marker asymmetry in SiSwati in terms of modes of combination. The important point about this analysis is that it maintains a unified analysis of subject and object markers, while at the same time accounting for the fact that subject marking is obligatory, while object marking is in complementary distribution with VP-internal noun phrases. Lastly, I explain how to account for non-cleft questions in Chichewa without postulating two types of subject markers.
Southern African Linguistics and Applied Language Studies 2006, 24(3): 403–415