The study investigates the value placed on politeness by men and women in the Hindu sector of the South African Indian English speaking community, through a study of the speech acts of requests and apologies. Data were collected by means of interviews with community leaders and families, and through discourse completion tasks. The community under investigation is shown to be still largely male-dominant, but with changes in the position of women currently being negotiated. From a cultural perspecitve there is a greater demand on women to display polite behaviours, which is confirmed to a certain extend by the data from the discourse completion task. At the same time, we identify some signs of an awareness that the politeness demands placed on women both signal and perpetuate the subordinate position of women, and that the current changes in the community may well lead to a different managment of politeness.
(S/ern Af Linguistics and Applied Language Stud: 2003 21 (3): 87-102)