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Sesotho control verbs with the reflexive prefix: A morpho-syntactic analysis

Madira Thetso


This article examines the Sesotho control structures to account for their dual behaviours resulting from the attachment of the reflexive prefix. The reflexive is a morpheme that is annexed to a verb to show that the subject acts upon itself. It is observed that some control verbs yield acceptable syntactic constructions when the reflexive attaches, while others yield unacceptable results. Using the minimalist programme (merge and adjunction) the investigation reveals that both the acceptability and unacceptability of reflexive control structures result from the effect the reflexive has on the argument structure of the verbs. The absorption of the internal argument renders two-arguments-taking verbs unacceptable as PRO subject of the infinitive clause lacks reference. In the case of three-argument-taking verbs, the absorption of one of the arguments leaves a controller for PRO, hence the acceptability of the structures. It can, therefore, be concluded that both acceptability and unacceptability of control verbs with the reflexive prefix can be accounted for in terms of the argument structure.

Journal Identifiers

eISSN: 1727-9461
print ISSN: 1607-3614