Numerous studies have compared the use of lexical bundles between L1 and L2 academic writing or between students and expert writing. However, the results of these studies are mixed due to differences in the control of potentially confounding variables (e.g. discipline, the level of expertise). It is still unclear whether the L1 background, or the level of expertise (i.e. student versus expert) accounts for the differences in the use of lexical bundles. To clarify this issue, the present study compared L1-L2 differences in the use of lexical bundles in master’s theses and research articles by controlling discipline (i.e. applied linguistics), the level of expertise, and the research paradigm (i.e. quantitative texts). The study shows that L2-English academic writers employ more bundle types and tokens than L1-English academic writers regardless of levels of expertise. Structurally, both L1 and L2 academic writers use proportionally more phrasal bundles as their levels of expertise increase. Functionally, L1 academic writers use proportionally more participant-oriented bundles than L2 academic writers regardless of levels of expertise. Our findings also indicate that both L1 background and the level of expertise affect the structural differences in lexical bundles. In addition, the L1 background matters to the functional differences in lexical bundles.