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An experience of ultrasound-guided hydrostatic reduction of intussusception at a tertiary care centre
Methods: A case study was carried out on 89 patients diagnosed with intussusception using high-resolution ultrasonography over a period of two years, spanning February 2012 to January 2014. Ultrasound-guided hydrostatic reduction was performed in 78 of these patients, and 11 patients were excluded owing to clinical contraindications. Follow-up ultrasound was performed after 24 hours to rule out recurrence.
Results: The disease was most prevalent in the age group 6–24 months. The ileocolic type was the most common. Mean duration (hours) was 17.02 ± 20.81 for time to presentation. Complete therapeutic reduction was achieved in 70 of the 78 cases, with a success rate of 90%. Two recurrences occurred in the following 24 hours, which were successfully reduced on the second attempt. Complications and mortality did not occur secondary to the procedure.
Conclusion: Our study found that ultrasound-guided hydrostatic reduction is a simple, safe and effective nonoperative treatment for intussusceptions in the paediatric age group, and should be the first line of management in appropriate patients.