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The intramyocardial left anterior descending artery: Prevalence and surgical considerations in coronary artery bypass grafting
Objectives. To document the prevalence of the IMLAD artery in a series of CABGs and to describe the surgical techniques used in these cases.
Methods. A retrospective analysis of 1 349 surgical reports of consecutive CABGs performed over a period of 23 years was conducted.
Results. An IMLAD artery was present in 293 patients (21.7%). The prevalence was 20.2% (51/253) in females and 22.1% (242/1 096) in males. The IMLAD arteries extended into the interventricular septum in 3.8% (11/293) of the patients.
Conclusion. An intramyocardial course of the LAD artery is relatively common in patients undergoing CABG and poses a challenge in bypass grafting. Techniques are described to address this anatomical variation when it is encountered at surgery.