Place attachment, recreation involvement and satisfaction are key indicators explaining future behaviour in nature-based recreation. This study examined a behavioural model using latent variables of place attachment, recreation involvement, recreation satisfaction and future behaviour of surfers. In total, 1140 usable questionnaires were collected using cluster sampling from July to August 2006 at Nanwan, Jiialeshuei, Miyuewan, and Jinshan beaches, Taiwan. Structural equation modelling using LISREL 8.70 for Windows was employed to examine the behavioural model. Empirical results indicate that place attachment significantly and directly affected recreation satisfaction and indirectly affected future behaviour. Moreover, place attachment significantly and directly affected future behaviour. Recreation involvement significantly and directly affected recreation satisfaction and indirectly affected future behaviour. However, recreation involvement had no impact on future behaviour. Recreation satisfaction significantly and directly affected future behaviour. Managers of surfing destinations maintain and protect coastal areas in order to ensure environmental quality, subsequently promoting place identity and place dependence for recreational surfers.