The goal of this study was to analyse with which ball the participants attempted a greater number of shots and achieved more successful shots from distances greater than four meters and from positions outside the free throw lane. The 54 participants included nine to 11-year-old children from six basketball teams. Three situations were established in which the participants played four games with each of the following balls: a regulation ball (485g, 69-71cm); a ball of smaller mass (440g, 69-71cm); and a ball of greater mass (540g, 69-71cm). The procedures that followed included: defining the variables; instructing the observers and obtaining reliability; monitoring the properties of the ball and filming the games; and recording the data from the observation. Kruskal-Wallis H was applied to determine in which categories there were significant differences. Then, post-hoc comparisons were performed with Mann-Whitney’s U to determine with which balls these differences occurred. The results did not reflect any statistically significant differences for attempted and successful shots from any distance and shooting zone with any ball. Shots were attempted with greatest frequency from a distance of less than four meters and from inside the free throw lane with all three balls.