The effect of running on smoking was investigated. The following research questions were specifically investigated. 1) How many runners are ex-smokers who quit smoking after taking up running on a regular basis; 2) What is the effect of running on smoking habits (cigarettes smoked daily) of runners that did not quit smoking after they became regular runners; 3) What effect does running have on the smoking patterns (number of cigarettes smoked per day) of runners depending on running distance (amount of kilometres run per day) and number of years running. The research population consisted of participants at road races (half marathons and 10 km races) held in Johannesburg, Krugerdorp and Klerksdorp as well as participants at time trials held by running clubs in Klerksdorp and Potchefstroom. Participants were requested to complete a brief questionnaire that took them 3 to 5 minutes to complete. The results of the study indicate that 29.4% of the runners quitted smoking just before they took up running and a further 38.9% shortly after they started running on a regular basis. A total of 68% thus stopped smoking just before or after they took up running. The smoking cessation effect of running also seems to be long-term in nature, since ex-smokers have quitted on average 9 years ago. The results also indicate that runners who did not quit smoking smoke statistically significantly less per day. Exercise intensity and number of years running had no effect on the tendency of the runners to smoke less after taking up running. The conclusion of this study is that smokers who took up running seemed to quit the smoking habit or at least started to smoke less per day.
(S. African J. for Research in Sport, Physical Ed. and Recreation: 2002 24 (1): 41-52)