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Effect of image feedback by drones on elementary school students’ satisfaction with after-school soccer classes
The purpose of this study was to examine the effects of video feedback using drones on elementary students’ satisfaction with after-school soccer classes and to verify the effectiveness of teaching and learning using drones to improve the quality of physical education (PE) instruction. Participants were fourth-grade boys (n=90) attending after-school soccer classes from three elementary schools in Seoul, South Korea. Participants were divided into an Experimental Group (image feedback group using drones), a comparative group (image feedback group using mobile phones) and a Control Group (oral feedback group). All groups underwent the same four lessons on each school day. The independent variables of this study were the three groups listed above. The dependent variable was learners’ satisfaction level. This study examined students’ educational, physical and psychological satisfaction. The results revealed that the group to receive image feedback using drones had higher educational, physical and psychological satisfaction than did the groups that received image feedback using mobile phones or oral feedback [F(2.89)=25.900, p<0.001]. Drones provide wide and high images from various angles to provide novel visual feedback. PE classes would benefit from utilising drones more often as the images provided promote students’ satisfaction with PE.