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Delivery of sport club development programmes: Case if CDP, Cape metropole, South Africa
Sport and Recreation South Africa (SRSA) initiated a national Club Development Programme (CDP) in 2006, which sought to increase participation in sport and recreation, and to develop the human resource capacity to manage sport within previously disadvantaged communities. The CDP serves numerous sporting codes, with football being the main focus. Despite its strategic intentions, the delivery of CDP was perceived as a weakness by some football clubs. This study aimed to identify the key factors influencing the delivery of the CDP within selected football community clubs in the Cape Metropole. Semi-structured interviews were used and a qualitative method was adopted. A purposeful sampling comprising of 14 programme coordinators representing the three arms of the Government was considered ideal for the study. The key findings highlighted that the delivery of CDP appeared to be most influenced by ineffectual relationships between key role players, a lack of competent officials and a lack of access to quality equipment. It is recommended that, for effective programme delivery, the CDP management in the Cape Metropole should address the aforesaid factors in order to ensure that the programme achieves its strategic intentions.
Keywords: CDP; Football; Community sport club; Sport programme delivery and management; Sport development; Cape Metropole; South Africa.