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Trans-abdominal ultrasonic findings correlated with CD4+ counts in adult HIV-infected patients in Benin, Nigeria
Patients and methods. Three hundred confirmed HIV-positive patients underwent abdominal ultrasonography at the University of Benin Teaching Hospital from November 2007 to January 2008. Each patient’s sonographic findings were correlated with their CD4+ counts using the World Health Organization’s HIV classification index.
Results. Splenomegaly, hepatomegaly, renomegaly, hyperechoic splenic parenchyma, increased renal echogenicity and lymphadenopathy are among the common sonographic findings. However, few of the ultrasound findings correlated statistically with the CD4+ counts.
Conclusion. The use of ultrasound as a baseline imaging modality in HIV-infected patients should be promoted. Its use is invaluable in the assessment of the disease state and in the monitoring of therapy and management of these immune-compromised individuals, who may have
several abdominal presentations.