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Cervical extension of pancreatic pseudocyst: An unusual cause of neck stiffness and dysphagia

Sneha C Harish
Rashmi Dixit
Sapna Singh
Anjali Prakash


Pancreatic pseudocyst is a common complication that can occur following acute or chronic pancreatitis. Commonly, they are peripancreatic in location. Rarely, they can extend to the mediastinum, and further extension to the neck is even rarer. A 55-year-old man who presented with neck stiffness and dysphagia and on imaging, was found to have a cystic lesion in the neck. Aspiration of the lesion revealed raised amylase levels suggestive of a pancreatic pseudocyst. 

Journal Identifiers

eISSN: 2078-6778
print ISSN: 1027-202X