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Depressive features among adult patients receiving antiretroviral therapy for HIV in Rustenburg district, SA
Methods. Using the Zung self-rating scale, we screened for depressive features among adult patients receiving highly active antiretroviral therapy (HAART) who attended primary healthcare facilities in the Rustenburg district of North West Province in South Africa during December 2009.
Results. Among 117 participants, 81 (69.2 %) had mild depressive features, 2 (1.7%) had moderate depressive features, 1 (0.9 %) had severe depressive features and 33 (28.2%) did not have depressive features. Depressive features were more common in males (77.1%) than in females (69.5%), and were most common in patients taking the combination of efavirenz, lamivudine and stavudine.
Conclusion. Depressive features seem to be common among adult patients receiving HAART and attending primary healthcare facilities in
the Rustenburg district.