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Hopelessness, depression and suicidal ideation in HIV-positive persons
Methods. The sample consisted of all adult volunteers attending a voluntary counselling and testing (VCT) HIV clinic at a universityaffiliated
state hospital. Suicidal ideation and depression were measured using the Beck Hopelessness Scale (BHS) and the Beck Depression Inventory (BDI), respectively, at two intervals, viz. 72 hours and 6 weeks after HIV diagnosis.
Results. Of the 156 patients who tested positive for HIV, 32 (20.5%) had a hopelessness score of 9 or above on the BHS and 130 patients (82.8%) were depressed according to the BDI at 72 hours after diagnosis. Of the 109 patients assessed 6 weeks after diagnosis, 32 (28.8%) had a hopelessness score of >9 on the BHS and 86 (78.2%) were depressed according to the BDI. A moderately positive correlation at both time periods was found between hopelessness and depression. A ROC analysis showed optimal sensitivity, indicating that the HIV-positive depressed
patients were at risk for suicidal behaviour.
Conclusion. The significant correlations between hopelessness, depression and suicidal ideation are important markers that should alert healthcare professionals to underlying suicide risks in HIV-positive patients. Early recognition of this and suicide prevention strategies should be incorporated into the treatment offered at VCT HIV clinics.