The effect of different application rates of an organic plant fertiliser (Nitrosol®) on the establishment and early growth of rooted cuttings of Cyclopia (Fabaceae) species was evaluated. Rooted terminal and subterminal cuttings of C. intermedia and C. genistoides were transplanted into pots (576 cm3) and treated with Nitrosol® fertiliser at application rates of 0 (control), 1.67 and 3.33 ml Nitrosol® l−1 water. To enhance the formation of nodules the cuttings were inoculated with symbiotic Rhizobium bacteria. The different species differ in their response to the fertiliser treatment, with C. genistoides showing a larger response than C. intermedia, especially at the higher application rate of 3.33 ml Nitrosol® l−1 water. This study therefore suggests that Nitrosol® fertiliser applications can be recommended to enhance the establishment of rooted cuttings of Cyclopia species, but optimum application rates may differ between species. Although a significant specie x cutting position interaction was shown with regard to plant height and number of shoots per plant, cutting position in general did not have an effect on the establisbment of the species used in this study.
Keywords: Cutting position, Cyclopia genistoides, Cyclopia intermedia, Nitrosol®, root growth, shoot growth
South African Journal of Plant and Soil 2013, 30(1): 57–60