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Understanding in the humanities: Gadamer's thought at the intersection of rationality, historicity, and linguisticality – with special reference to the dialectics of causality and history.

Daniël F. M. Strauss


Because Gadamer is very sensitive to the role of history, tradition and authority within human life, the overall intention of this article will be to unveil major elements of modern philosophy which exerted an influence upon his thought. In this sense it can be seen as applying his notion of 'Wirkungsgeschichte' to an assessment of certain aspects of his own thought. Particularly in his view on causality and history Gadamer illustrates the intimate connection of his thought with the dialectics of nature and freedom.

S. Afr. J. Philos. Vol.21(4) 2002: 291-305

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eISSN: 0258-0136