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Jan 13, 2019Article Details
Material submitted for publication in the South African Journal of Obstetrics and Gynaecologyl (SAJOG) is accepted provided it has not been published elsewhere. Copyright forms will be sent with acknowledgement of receipt and the SAJOG reserves copyright of the material published.
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Author Biographies
J.J. Bornman
Departement van Verloskunde en Ginekologie, Universiteit van Stellenbosch en Karl Bremer-hospitaal, BellvilleJ.N. de Villiers
Departement van Verloskunde en Ginekologie, Universiteit van Stellenbosch en Karl Bremer-hospitaal, BellvilleMain Article Content
Puerperale tubale onderbinding met plaaslike verdowing
J.J. Bornman
J.N. de Villiers
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