Bilateral synchronous ovarian tumours are defined as the occurrence of two or more histologically distinct tumours in the ovaries. Synchronous tumours of the female genital tract are rare and the association of mature cystic teratoma with contralateral serous cystadenoma is uncommon. We report the rare occurrence of a giant mature cystic teratoma with a coexisting contralateral serous cystadenoma in a 32-year-old para 5. The patient refused an initial offer for surgery 10 years earlier, and had three successive term pregnancies and deliveries, with the tumour intact. She later had bilateral salpingo-oophorectomy of a 55 kg left ovarian mass and a 2 kg right ovarian mass, which revealed a left ovarian benign cystic teratoma and a right ovarian papillary serous cystadenoma at histology. Neglected ovarian tumours are still encountered in sub-Saharan Africa and may involve diagnostic and management challenges. There is a need to educate women and the community on ovarian neoplasms and the need to present early for effective management. Women’s reproductive health rights need to be encouraged and possibly legislated in our setting.