The changing context of Higher Education and the challenges this presents to lecturers has led to the introduction of accredited professional development courses for academics in some institutions. Many lecturers in higher education are finding that teaching the way they were taught and using the traditional lecture format is no longer always appropriate. If graduates are to function effectively in today's world, lecturers need to create teaching and learning contexts which promote their ability for life-long learning. Research shows that in order to achieve this, students need to be actively engaged in the learning process. This may require shifts in the way lecturers perceive their role. A central theme of the Post Graduate Certificate in Higher Education and Training (PGCHET) course discussed in this article, is that of the critically reflective practitioner. From the research conducted it is clear that encouraging lecturers to reflect on their practices, to examine the epistemologies underpinning their disciplines along with what that means for teaching and learning, and then presenting them with a range of theoretical frameworks can lead to their developing or changing their conceptions of teaching. However, for the course developers it is also important to understand the factors that may militate against participants implementing new ideas and developing their practice.
SAJHE Vol.18(1) 2004: 364-381