The partnership approach to addressing challenges in higher education brings new ideas to old systems and allows participating institutions to improve practices and quality with less risk. This study was performed to determine the perceptions of staff at Eastern Cape Technikon on the value and effectiveness of linkage partnerships. Academic staff indicated that the main reason for their involvement in these projects is capacity building. Apart from the development of skills and competencies they also rate development opportunities such as networking with overseas colleagues highly. On the negative side respondents regarded communication, both internally and externally as their main concern with linkage partnerships. They were also very critical of the role of senior management in the projects. As indicated only 1% of respondents agreed with the statement that ‘top management discuss the purpose and progress of partnerships with all programme leaders at least once per term'. Response to statements about efficient budgetary processes and other aspects of leadership were also answered in a negative way. In this regard it was suggested that in view of the fact that the Technikon earns R5 million per year from the different projects, a separate structure, policies and an improvement in the quality of internal and external communication must be achieved.
SAJHE Vol.18(1) 2004: 165-184