This article attempted to predict the academic achievement of 452 educationally disadvantaged students who completed the Career Preparation Programme (CPP) at the University of the Orange Free State during 1998. The mean percentage mark obtained during the bridging year (the bridging year mean) and the mean percentage mark computed for the combination of the bridging year and first year at university (the combined mean) served as criteria in separate multiple regression analyses. The predictor variables consisted of various cognitive and biographical variables. English as home language, obtaining a bursary and residing in a hostel, were predictive of significantly higher bridging year means and combined means than were other home languages, the absence of a bursary and residing elsewhere. Together the biographical variables accounted for 30,49% and 27,74% of the variance in the bridging year mean and the combined mean, respectively. All cognitive variables, however, could together only account for 4,44% and 6,51% of the corresponding means, respectively. The only cognitive variable that significantly predicted the bridging year mean was students' matriculation marks.
South African Journal of Higher Education Vol.15(1) 2001: 180-189