Social changes in contemporary society are demanding that learners change their knowledge and skill bases and change them faster than at any time in history. The confluence of technology, demographics, and work/family requirements make lifelong learning a necessity for more and more people. The demands for training and retraining, the trends toward multiple careers throughout a person's lifetime, added to the new knowledge about teaching and learning, demand concomitant changes in the roles of students, lecturers, the curriculum, and indeed, a re-examination of the role of our universities. While the delivery of telematic courses via emerging technologies is being embraced by many traditionally contact universities, it is the lecturers who play the key role in its successful implementation. The purpose of this study was to identify the concerns of lecturers, within the School of Languages at the Potchefstroom University for CHE, who have to develop and facilitate language modules for various Telematic programmes. Recommendations on how to address these concerns are also discussed.
South African Journal of Higher Education Vol.16(2) 2002: 130-138