The aim of this research was to determine what the content of entrepreneurship subjects, programmes and curricula should be. The study involved empirical research to identify the factors that contribute to the success of small and medium enterprises (SMEs). The information was analysed by frequency analysis, the analysis of relations and a factor analysis. Important deductions were made and used as guideline for an extensive literature study. The results of the literature study and a focus group were used to provide a framework for focus areas and the content of subjects and programmes in entrepreneurship. Currently there is limited consensus in the field of entrepreneurship on the contents of training courses and curricula. This article suggests that post-secondary education and training of entrepreneurs and potential entrepreneurs should follow a multidisciplinary, holistic and outcomes-based approach that focuses on the development of those skills and abilities identified as success factors of entrepreneurs. The problem investigated in this study is the identification of the primary factors that contribute to the success of SMEs. The findings can then be used in the identification of subject and curricula content in order to develop a framework for entrepreneurship training courses and qualifications.
South African Journal of Higher Education Vol.16(3) 2002: 157-166