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Work Integrated Learning (WIL) Employer Survey in the Geomatics Programme at the Durban University of Technology

Avidesh Raghubar
Dhiren Allopi


 The Durban University of Technology (DUT) phased out the National Diploma: Surveying and the B-Tech: Surveying qualifications and introduced a new qualification, Bachelor of the Built Environment (BBE): Geomatics in January 2018. Work integrated learning (WIL) has been recognised as an integral part of the teaching and learning pedagogy within the surveying profession at a national diploma level across many of the technikons and universities of technology (UoTs) nationally, where it has become widely acknowledged as the cornerstone of student development. WIL has now been excluded from the new BBE: Geomatics qualification, which seeks to be more academically oriented. The lack of Workplace learning (WPL) could possibly result in a graduate who exhibits deficiencies in practical knowledge and work-related proficiencies when compared to the traditional technician/technologist that industry has become accustomed to.


The aim of this study was therefore to evaluate the relevance of WIL in the Geomatics programme through interactions with Surveying and Geomatics practitioners in the KwaZulu-Natal (KZN) region, to increase our understanding of industry’s perspectives on WIL, and in so doing, to assist in terms of informed decision-making and best practices. Data were collected through interactions with industry practitioners within the Surveying and Geomatics fraternity. The study was conducted by employing a mixed-methods approach incorporating quantitative and qualitative methods. The quantitative method was, however, the predominant technique since it constituted a significant part of the study. The qualitative method involved analysis of employer comments from the open-ended questions on the questionnaire survey. The findings confirmed that there is significant consensus from industry regarding the importance and relevance of WIL in promoting an enriching career-focused education, and in facilitating the acquisition of discipline knowledge, practical proficiency, graduate attributes, employability skills, and core competencies that will culminate in an all-round holistically thinking graduate to meet the needs of industry and to sustain a knowledgeable, modern, and skilled workforce for the built environment.

Journal Identifiers

eISSN: 2225-8531