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An analysis of the relationship of land surface temperature with modified normalized difference water index and normalized difference built-up index in Hyderabad City, India

Subhanil Guha
Himanshu Govil


The study analyses the respective relationships between two independent variables, namely, modified normalized difference water index (MNDWI) and normalized difference built-up index (NDBI), and the dependent variable, land surface temperature (LST) in Hyderabad City, southern India. The study used Landsat data applicable to the dry winter season and Pearson's linear correlation coefficient for the correlation analyses. Results show that the LST values for the respective images are also positively correlated. The study also finds that LST shows a moderate negative relationship with MNDWI (average r = -0.57) and a moderate positive relationship with NDBI (average r =0.55). Because the dry winter season affects urban land surface materials in a particular way, built-up areas tend to enhance LSTs in winter, while in this same season, water surfaces tend to reduce LSTs. The study could contribute significantly to sustainable urban landscape planning.

Journal Identifiers

eISSN: 2225-8531