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A web-based GIS application to optimize the customer onboarding for a utility company

Margaret N. Munywoki
Kaveer Singh


A web-based GIS application was envisioned to optimize Kenya Power and Lighting Company’s (KPLC) existing internal manual paper-based workflow process for new electricity customer connections in Mombasa County. The web-based GIS application was developed using the waterfall methodology which follows a sequential and systematic flow of processes. The web-based GIS application was named Jiconnect Web App. It could streamline the online customer registration process for power supply to their premises. Jiconnect was used to optimize workflow for onboarding new electricity customers. It was tested in various constituencies of Mombasa to ensure that it was functional and reliable. The potential integration of Jiconnect with existing internal manual paper-based workflow indicated that the web-based GIS application could benefit KPLC because it offered a cost-effective solution that saves time and resources.

Journal Identifiers

eISSN: 2225-8531