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Respiratory outcomes following 100 mg/kg v. 200 mg/kg of poractant alpha: A retrospective review
Methods. Electronic clinical records were reviewed of infants admitted to ACH who received surfactant during the period December 2008 - December 2011. ere were two groups: group A were infants who received 100 mg/kg of poractant alpha as an initial dose (December 2008 - June 2010), and group B were infants who received 200 mg/kg as an initial dose (July 2010 - December 2011). Infants with congenital anomalies and those treated with surfactant before transfer to ACH were excluded.
Results. A total of 256 infants were included in the analysis, 118 in group A and 138 in group B. Infants in group B had a higher median gestational age (28 v. 27 weeks; p=0.52) and birth weight (1 065 g v. 930 g; p=0.08) compared with infants in group A. Signicantly more infants in group A received more than one dose of surfactant (33.9% v.15.9%; odds ratio 2.7; p=0.0008). Infants in group B showed a signicant reduction in oxygen requirement aer the administration of surfactant (p=0.0003).
Conclusion. e administration of 200 mg/kg poractant alpha led to a signicant improvement in oxygenation and a reduction in the need for further doses of surfactant.