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The current pattern of gestational age-related anthropometric parameters of term Nigerian neonates
Objective. To determine the current range of anthropometric measurements of term Nigerian neonates.
Methods. Consecutive term singleton mother-baby pairs were surveyed in the first 24 hours after birth. Weight, length, occipitofrontal circumference (OFC) and ponderal index were determined.
Results. A total of 825 babies (440 males and 385 females) were studied. The overall mean birth weight (± standard deviation (SD)) of the study subjects was 3 233±539 g, the mean ±SD length 49.0±2.5 cm, the mean ±SD OFC 34.6±1.4 cm, and the mean ±SD ponderal index 2.7±0.4 g/cm3.
Conclusion. The anthropometric parameters of the Nigerian infants studied were within the range previously reported for Africa and other developing countries, but lower than figures from some developed countries.