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Oorsprong van die term "hartbeeshuis"
This study follows up a previous article "Die begrip hartbeeshuis" ("The concept hartbeeshuis"), in which this controversial concept is scrutinized. The current points of view or theories in cultural-historical writing that deal with the origin of the term hartbeeshuis are critically examined against the background of the above article. Contemporary written accounts are analysed, in the light of which the origin of the term hartbeeshuis is placed in cultural-historical perpective.
Hierdie studie volg op 'n vorige artikel "Die begrip hartbeeshuis" waarin diรฉ omstrede begrip onder die loep geneem is. Die bestaande standpunte of teorieรซ in kultuurgeskiedskrywing wat met die oorsprong van die term hartbeeshuis verband hou, word teen die agtergrond van bogenoemde artikel krities ondersoek. Tydgenootlike skriftelike getuienis word ontleed, na aanleiding waarvan die oorsprong van die term hartbeeshuis in kultuurhistoriese perspektief geplaas word.
South African Journal of Cultural History Vol.17(2) 2003: 78-94