INSTRUCTIONS TO AUTHORSEditorial policy: The Journal publishes analytical articles on original research, as well as review articles, short communications, book reviews, and comment on articles which have appeared in previous numbers of the Journal. Authors should take note
that material published elsewhere will not be considered for publication. Opinions expressed are those of the author(s) and are not necessarily those of the Editor or the Society. The Journal is published twice annually. Authors from institutions receiving subsidies for the publication of articles should take note that page fees are payable to the SASCH.
Submission of manuscripts: The original typed manuscript and two legible copies as well as the manuscript and fi gures on computer disk or CD should be submitted to the Editor. Manuscripts will be submitted to at least two referees. Manuscripts may be returned to authors if extensive revision is considered necessary. The principal of peer review will be used. Manuscripts should be submitted with 1, 5-line spacing, the length between 10 and 20 pages. The presentation should be in accordance with that of the last issue of the Journal. Submissions may also be sent to the editor
Title page: The fi rst page of the manuscript must contain the following:
Title: Titles must be short (not longer than 15 words), but must contain suffi cient information for use in title lists or for codifi cation with a view to information storage and retrieval.
Author: Name(s) of author(s).
Address: Name and address of the institution with which the author is associated and the author’s postal address if this differs from the former.
Abstracts: Short abstract (maximum 250 words each) in both English and Afrikaans must be included. The abstract must indicate the content of the article, factually and concisely, and be suitable for separate publication and indexing. Both abstracts must commence with the title, or a translation thereof.
Key word: A list of 4-10 key words should be added after the respective abstracts. References: The referencing technique in the latest issue of the Journal should be followed. The use of abbreviations (such as Ibid.) is not permitted; the complete reference must be repeated every time. References should be footnoted and numbered consecutively throughout.
Figures: All fi gures (photographs, sketches, tables, maps) should be numbered consecutively (e.g. Figure 5). Each submission should contain the originals and two sets of copies. All fi gures must be clearly numbered on the back. Figure captions should be typed on a separate sheet in the correct order. The origin (photographer, artist depository, source) of all fi gures must be given. Copyright: Authors are responsible for obtaining copyright and reproduction rights on all fi gures. Copyright on all material published in the Journal is vested in the South African Society of Cultural History.
Editorial address: Manuscripts for publication must be submitted to: The Editor, South African Journal of Cultural History, P.O. Box 11403, Hatfi eld 0028, Republic of South Africa.Instructions regarding references and footnotes All sources referred to in the text should be cited in the footnotes. If unsure, follow the reference technique in the latest edition of the Journal. Footnotes must be numbered sequentially in Arabic numerals and be placed at the bottom of each page. It is preferable to use the language of the source in the reference to the source. The use of the abbreviations “ibid”, “op.cit.” and “cf” is not permitted in the footnotes. No full stop must be used after “ed” or “eds” when referring to an English
source. When an Afrikaans source is referenced, the full stop must however be used in abbreviations, e.g. “red.” or “reds.” or “D.Phil.”. Dates should be written as follows: 1997-05-18. Except for articles and prepositions, the fi rst letter of most words in the titles of sources should be capitalized.
An article in a journal or newspaper
Provide the author’s initials and surname, the title of the article followed by a comma, the mane of the journal or newspaper in Italics, the volume number in Arabic numerals (without the word “vol”.), the number or issue in Arabic numerals, the day, month and year of the issue and the page numbers.
For example:
L.E. Hudson and R.H. Jackson, Mormon pilgrimage and tourism, Annals of Tourism Research 19(1), 1992, p. 1081.
J.J. Joubert, Net die sterkste universiteite kan oorleef, Rapport, 2000-02-27, p. 2.                                                                                A book
Provide the author’s initials and surname, the title of the book in Italics, the volume number (if applicable) in Roman numerals (without the word “vol.”), then in parentheses, the place of publication and the year of publication, separated by com mas.
Lastly provide the page numbers.
For example:
L.J. Lickorish and A.G. Kershaw, The travel trade (London, 1958), p. 18.
J.A. Böeseken (red.), Resolusies van die Politieke Raad I (Kaapstad, 1957), p. 218.
J.E. Young (ed.), The art of memory: Holocaust memorials in history (New York, 1994), p. 9. Archives Year Book of South African History
J. Ploeger, Onderwys en onderwysbeleid in die Suid-Afrikaanse Republiek (1881-1900), Archives Year Book for South African History 15(I) (Cape Town, 1952), p. 186.
A chapter in a book
Provide that author of the chapter’s initials and surname, comma, “in” in Italics, the initials and surname of the editor(s), followed by a comma, the title of the book in Italics and then in parentheses, the place and year of publication, separated by a comma. Lastly provide the page number.
For example:
H.C. Groenewald and S. Makopo, The political song: tradition and innovation for liberation, in E. Sienaert, N. Bell and M. Lewis, Oral tradition and innovation: new wine in old bottles? (Durban, 1991), p. 79.
J.C. Pretorius, Die tuisnywerheid van die Afrikaner, in P.G. Nel (red.), Die Kultuurontplooiing van die Afrikaner ( Pretoria, 1979).
Unpublished post-graduate dissertations or theses Provide the initials and surname of the author, the title of the dissertation in Italics with a full stop. Then provide the qualifi cation, the university and the year the degree was awarded.
For example:
D.M. Groenewald, Vrouemodes in die twintigerjare soos voorgestel in Die Boerevrou en Die Huisgenoot. M.A.-verhandeling, Universiteit van Pretoria, 2000.
B.L. Michler, Biographical study of H.A. Junod: the fi ctional dimension. MA thesis, University of Pretoria, 2003, pp. 41-43.
An unpublished paper
Provide the initials and surname of the presenter, the title of the paper in Italics with a full stop. Then provide the name of the conference, the date and the place where it was held.
For example:
C. Hong, Africa in Chinese ancient publications. Unpublished paper presented at the Conference of Blacks and Asians in Time and Space, Boston University, April 2002, p. 4.
Archival references
Provide the name of the archive in full in the fi rst citation followed by the word “hereafter” and the abbreviation in parentheses. This is followed by a colon, the source, series and other details of the archival record. In the case of letters, the sender should be separated from the recipient by a dash.
For example:
National Archives of South Africa (hereafter NASA), LA 9, 497: G.J.T. Beelaerts van Blokland – S.J.P. Kruger, 1890-02-16.
Kaapse Argiefbewaarplek, Kaapstad (hierna KAB): C 500, ZK 1/169: Politieke Raad Uitgaande Brieven, p. 826. An interview
Provide the name of the interviewee, the place and date of the interview as well as any other details such as the nature of the survey in the fi rst reference to the interview.
For example:
Persoonlike mededeling: Ds. P. Gerber, N.G.-leraar, Gonubie, Oos-Londen, Maart 1974.
Interview: Mrs K.L. Smith, Caretaker, Castle of Good Hope, Cape Town, 2006-10-24.
The internet
Provide all possible details such as a description, the URL (underlined) and the date the site was accessed, all separated by commas.
For example:
Marion Butler Papers Inventory,,Marion.html, May 2004 BMW-Groeptoekenning vir Interkulturele Leer,, 2006-03-19.
Shortened references
In the case of sources that are referred to more than once, a shortened version of the title may be used after the fi rst reference.
For example:
J.A. Böeseken (red), Resolusies van die Politieke Raad I, p. 218.
H.C. Groenewald and S. Makopo, The political song, p. 79. B.L. Michler, Biographical study of H.A. Junod, pp. 41-43.
C. Hong, Africa in Chinese ancient publications, p. 4.
Interview: Mrs K.L. Smith , Cape Town, 2006-10-24.

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eISSN: 1011-3053
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