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Malawian critical care nurses’ views on the implementation of an educational intervention to enhance sustained use of an evidence-based endotracheal tube cuff pressure management guideline: A survey study

F. Mpasa
Dalena R.M. van Rooyen
P.J. Jordan
D. Venter
W. ten Ham-Baloyi


Background: Evidence-based guidelines can assist critical care nurses in promoting best practices, including those related to endotracheal tube cuff pressure management. However, these guidelines require tailored strategies to enhance their implementation, uptake, and sustained use in practice.

Objectives: To evaluate Malawian critical care nurses’ views on the implementation of an endotracheal tube cuff pressure management guideline to enhance sustained guideline use.

Methods: An explorative-descriptive survey design was employed, using a questionnaire with closed- and open-ended questions that was distributed after implementation of an educational intervention based on an endotracheal tube cuff pressure management  guideline. The questionnaire had a Cronbach’s alpha score of 0.85.

Results: A total of 47 nurses working in four public and two private  hospital intensive care units in Malawi participated. Quantitative findings showed that the majority of the participants (92%) indicated  that the strategies used for the group that received the full intervention including both active (monitoring visits) and passive (a half-day  educational session using a PowerPoint presentation, and a printed guideline and algorithm) strategies (intervention 1 group) were  useful, clear and applicable and enhanced implementation of the guideline. These results were statistically significant (mean (standard  deviation) 1.86 (0.84); t=6.07; p<0.0005). Qualitative data revealed three major themes related to recommendations for uptake and  sustained use of the guideline in nursing practice: the guideline needs to be translated, updated, and made available to ICU staff; implementation strategies (continuous supervision and follow-up); and facilitating factors for successful implementation (education and  training on guideline content, resources, and commitment to best practices).

Conclusion: The study highlighted that although the  implementation strategies used were positively received by participants, they need to be further tailored to their context to enhance  guideline uptake and sustained use in practice. Further study is required to ensure that tailored implementation strategies facilitate  guideline uptake and sustained use, specifically in resource-constrained contexts. 

Journal Identifiers

eISSN: 2078-676X
print ISSN: 1562-8264