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South African Journal of Botany 163, 1-5. [2] Bengochea, T., Dodds, J.H. 2005. Plant Protoplasts. Chapman & Hall, London, New York, pp. 1-90. [3] Bohnert, H.J., Crouse, E.J., Schmitt, J.M. 1999. Organization and expression of plastid genomes. In: Parthier, B., Boulter, D. (Eds.), Encyclopaedia of Plant Physiology, New Series, Vol. 14B, Springer-Verlag, pp. 475-530. Tables: Tables should bear a short descriptive title and should be submitted on separate sheets. Illustrations: Illustrations should be numbered according to their sequence in the text. References should be made in the text to each illustration. Preparation of electronic illustrations: A detailed guide on electronic artwork is available on our website: You are urged to visit this site; some excerpts from the detailed information are given here. 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