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Genetic evaluation of growth traits in beef cattle using random regression models
Direct- and maternal heritabilities were estimated for weight traits in Brangus cattle using random regression models. After editing, 54 924 records, from birth- (BW) to mature weight (MW) from 21 673 animals were selected for analysis. The data, which covered a period of 8 generations (1985 to 2010), were transformed to a log scale to accommodate the wide range of weights being studied (15 to 850 kg). Traits included in the analysis were birth- (BW), weaning- (WW), yearling- (YW), eighteen month- (FW) and three measurements of mature weight (MW). Linear polynomials with intercepts were fitted using random regression models. The direct heritability estimates were moderate and ranged from 0.13 to 0.25 while maternal heritability estimates were low ranging from 0.05 to 0.06.
Keywords: Heritability estimates, South African Brangus cattle