The effects of four diets containing different protein sources on the performance and gut histology of piglets were compared. The diets contained as the main protein sources either: milk powder plus fishmeal, milk powder plus high-protein (48% crude protein) soyabean oil-cake meal, fishmeal plus high-protein soyabean oil-cake meal or high-protein soyabean oil-cake meal alone. No differences (p > 0.05) were observed between treatments for average daily gain, feed conversion ratio, intake or intestinal villus height. It was concluded that high-protein soyabean oil-cake meal can be utilised successfully in diets for weaner pigs either in combination with other protein sources or as main protein source without detrimental effects on production parameters or gut histology. These results apply to diets are formulated on the basis of digestible amino acids using soyabean oil-cake meal has been correctly processed.
(South African Journal of Animal Science: 2000, 30(1): 62-66)