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Could vitamin supplementation unlock the hidden potential of the indigenous Gerze chicken?


In this study, the broiler performance of Turkish Gerze chickens was investigated. One hundred and thirty day-old chicks were reared under intensive conditions until 20 weeks of age to examine whether administering a vitamin supplement via their drinking water would affect broiler performance. During this period, one group received the vitamin supplement, starting at four weeks of age, and the other (the control group) did not. At 20 weeks old, the chickens given the vitamin supplement had an average live weight of 1686 g and a feed conversion ratio of 4.47, while the control group was significantly lighter, at 1408 g, with a feed conversion ratio of 4.63. Dressing percentages were not significantly affected by vitamin supplementation, and averaged around 68%. The proportion of edible giblets also did not significantly differ between the two groups, contributing approximately 5%–6% of the carcass. The largest carcass component in both treatment groups was the legs, constituting 32%–33% of the carcass in males and 28% in females. Breast meat made up 22%–27% of the carcass, and this was not significantly influenced by vitamin supplementation. The pH and colour of the breast and leg meat were evaluated as meat quality traits, and these quality parameters were within acceptable limits for poultry meat for all groups.

Journal Identifiers

eISSN: 2221-4062
print ISSN: 0375-1589