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Countering inbreeding with migration 2. Migration from related populations
In conservationa ndb reeding,l argep opulationsa rei mportantf or evolutionaryv iability and selectionp rogressO. n the other hand, practicala nd economicr casonsm ay exist for populations ubdivisionT. hesep opulations( islands)m ay be tied togethert o form effectivelya singlep opulation( archipelagob) y migrationr ateso f acceptablem agnitudeT. he acceptability of migrationr atesi s judged by the maximumd ifference( 1 - k) in inbreedingb etweena subpopulationo, f sizeN , and a conceptuala ggregatera ndomm atin-qp opulationo f sizeN n, with n equalt o the numbero f subpopuiationsF. or small migration rates( n) and larges ubpopulatiosni zest his maximumd iff-erenc(el - k) is equalt o 1/{4M(n+ l)/(n - l) + I }, whereM = nN, the number of migrantsi n eachs ubpopulationF. or largen this resulti s equivalentt o the standardr esult of the limit inbreedingc oefficiento f a subpopulation(s inglei sland)w ith migrationf rom a very largen oninbredp opulation,l l(4M + l). The recommendationsfo r the limitation of inbreedinga re, therefore,e quivalentt o the single island situationf or a large number of subpopulationsw, hile a small number of subpopulations(n ) requiresl essm igration than a large number.F or largem igrationr atesa nd smalls ubpopulatiosni zese xactr esultsa rea vailableT. he generacl onclusionis that theses ituations require less migration for a given maximum difference (l - k) than small rates and large population sizes. The rules for differentm ale and f-emalem igrationr atesa ret he samea s for migrationf rom a largeu nrelatedp opulation( singlei sland situation)I.n deed,a djustmenwt ith a factoro f (n - l)/(n + l) allowsm ostc onclusionosn numbero f migrantsa ndm aximum difference( I - k) in inbreedingc oefficientst o carry over from the singlei slandt o the archipelagics ituation.
In bewaringe n teling is groot bevolkingsn odig vir evolusionOroeo rlewinge n seleksievorderingA.a n die anderkantm ag daar praktiesee n ekonomieser edesw eesv ir die onderverdelingv an bevolkings.O nderverdeeldbee volkings( eilande)k an saamgebindw ord vir 'n enkeleb evolking (argipel)d eur migrasietempo'sv an aanvaarbarger ootheidsordesD. ie aanvaarbaarheidv anm igrasietempo'wso rd gemeeta and ie maksimumv erskil( l - k) in intelingt ussen'n subbevolkingm etN lede en'n konseptueles amegevoegdpea nmiktieseb evolkingm et Nn lede,w aarn gelyk is aand ie aantals ubbevolkingsV. ir klein migrasietempo'(sm ) en groots ubbevolkingiss die maksimumv erskil( l - k) gelyk aan lll4M(ru + l)l@ - l) + I ), waar M = mN, die aantalm igrantei n elke subbevolking.A s n groot is. is hierdie resultaatg elyk aan die limiet van die intelingskoefllsienvta n'n subbevolkin(ge iland)m etm igrasiev anaf' n baieg rooto nverwantbee volking,1 l(4M+ 1).I n die gevalv an 'n groota antals ubbevolkingiss die aanbevelingvsi r die beperkingv ani ntelingd usg elyk aand ie standaarda anbevelingsw at afgeieik an word vir'n enkeleb evolkingt erwyl 'n klein aantals ubbevolking(sr z)m inderm igranten odigh et. In die geval van groot migrasietempo'se n klein subbevolkingsis eksaktea fleidingsb eskikbaar.D ie algemeneg evolgtrekkingi s dat hierdies ituasiem inderm igranten odigh et asd ie teenoorgesteldgee valv an klein migrasietempo'esn groot aantallei n die subbevolkingsD. ie reelsv ir geslagverskillein migrasietempo'sis dieselfdea s vir migrasiev anaf 'n groot onverwante bevolking na'n enkele eiland. As die aantal migrante en die maksimum verskil (l - k) met'n faktor (n - l)l(n + l) aangepasw ord, kan die meesteg evolgtrekkingso or die enkeleilandmodeol orgedraw ord na die argipelmodel.
Keywords: Inbreeding, migration, sex differences.