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‘Akuchanywa apha please’ No peeing here please: The language of signage in Cape Town

Tessa Dowling


This article examines the language used on both formal and informal signage in Cape Town. Using the theory of geosemiotics with examples of actual signage, I discuss the semantic vulnerability of language when a sign is used outside its intended context; the sociolinguistic implications of poor translations; the phenomenon of monolingual and bilingual signage as opposed to trilingual signage; the symbolic hegemony of English and Afrikaans over Xhosa; and the lessons that can be learnt from language used on informal township signs and advertisements.

S.Afr.J.Afr.Lang., 30(2) 2010

Journal Identifiers

eISSN: 2305-1159
print ISSN: 0257-2117