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Ukuqanjwa kwamagama amathempeli ebandleni lamaNazaretha The naming of temples in the Nazareth Church
Amagama ayinto esemqoka esizweni sonke. Emhlabeni jikelele ayikho into engenalo igama. Amagama aveza imizwa yalowo owaqambayo ngalokho akuqambaya. Ebantwini abangama Afrika amagama aqanjwa ahambisane nezehlakalo abahlangabezana nazo empilweni yabo yemihla ngemihla. Zonke izintaba ezibalulekile, imifula nemigwaqo kunamagama, lokho kuveza ubumqoka bamagama ezweni. Leli phepha libheka amagama kanye nemvelaphi yokuqanjwa kwamagama amathempeli ebandleni lamaNazaretha. Wonke amathempeli ebandleni lamaNazaretha aqanjwe amagama. Amagama amaningi alama thempeli aqukethe imizwa ethile kanti amanye awo aqanjwe emuva kwezigameko ezithile. Lolu cwaningo luzosiza amalunga ebandla lamaNazaretha ukuba azi ngomlando kanye nomqondo wamagama amathempeli. Lapha kusetshenziswe insiza kuhlaziya ebizwa ngeHermeneuic data analysis. Le nsiza kuhlaziya ibuka ubuciko obusemibhalweni. Le nsiza kuhlaziya iyahambisana nalolu cwaningo ngoba ukuqamba amagama kudinga ubuciko obuyisimanga. Amagama amathempeli amaNazaretha aveza ubuciko obukhulu bomqambi wawo. Leli phepha libheka indlela okuqanjwe ngayo amagama amathempeli ebandleni lamaNazaretha Kanye nomthelela amagama anawo ebandleni. Kukhona amagama aqambeke ngendlela enemizwa emihle ngenxa yokuthi ukuqanjwa kwawo ahambisana nezigameko ezinhle, bese kuba khona amagama aqambeke emuva kwezigameko ezingezinhle. Lapha kuzobhekwa ukuthi ngabe lawo mathempeli aqanjwe emuva kwezigameko ezingezinhle kanye nalawo aqanjwe emuva kwezigameko ezinhle kunamuphi umthelela emathempelini. Kuningi okwenziwayo ebandleni lamaNazaretha uma kuqanjwa igama futhi wonke amagama amathempeli aqanjwa iNkosi ehola ibandla ngaleso sikhathi. Akekho omunye umuntu ovumelekile ukuqamba igama lethempeli.
This article analyses the naming of different temples of the Nazareth Baptist Church. Naming expresses certain emotions of the individual that is doing the naming. In African culture, names are given according to people’s life experiences. All the significant mountains, rivers and roads have names. This shows how important it is to assign a name to something. This article investigates the naming of temples in the Nazareth Baptist Church. All Nazareth temples have names. All the names of these temples carry a certain meaning or denotate something and some of them are named after specific incidents. The names of Nazareth temples show the creativity of a person who names them. This article observes how the names are given to these temples as well as the impact they have on the congregation of the temple. The temple names are given by the King of the Nazareth Baptist Church that is leading during that period. No one else has the authority to name the temple besides the Nazareth Baptist Church leader. Hermeneutics has been used as a theoretical perspective to analyse the data. Hermeneutics is a classical discipline concerned with the art of understanding texts. One of the primary recommendations of this article is that this study should be continued so that Nazareth church members will know more about the meaning of their temple names.