Tim Hart
HSRC, Private Bag X41, Pretoria, 0001, RSA
Roberta Burgess
ARC Infruitec-Nietvoorbij, Private Bag X 5026, Stellenbosch, 7599, RSA
Cornèl Hart
Maxim Programme Development, PO Box 2550, Somerset West, 7129, RSA
Many agricultural research and development projects appear to be implemented without following any clear plan or management framework. Similarly, many of these projects do not involve the real participation of the local actors, such as the farmers. Subsequently, such projects do not achieve the desired or planned outcomes. In worst case scenarios the projects seem to continue with a life of their own and without clear direction. With the increasing emphasis on participation in agricultural development there is a need for a project management framework that encourages and monitors participation. Such a framework also needs to clearly identify the phases and the associated activities that must be followed to ensure the successful operationalisation of a project. This article explains how the project management cycle can be transformed to do this by including participatory principles and methods. It illustrates this, by means of a recent case study of a proposed agricultural development project, and the importance of systematic process and good communication throughout the project phases.
Keywords: agricultural development, management cycle, participation
South African Journal of Agricultural Extension Vol. 34(2) 2005: 201-220