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Soyabean as an emerging crop: A baseline survey on its potential uses in a mixed smallholder farming system in Zimbabwe

O Nyoni
I Mpofu
S M Makuza


A diagnostic study was conducted to determine the potential uses of the soyabean crop and its residues in on-farm research in the Mushagashe smallholder mixed farming system. Farm sizes averaged 78.5 ha ± 6.3 (se) and ranged from 16 ha to 210 ha. Arable land averaged 10.7 ha ± 0.8 (se). Maize and groundnuts were the major crops grown in the area. Soyabean had been grown in the area for the past two seasons, and 17 % of the farmers were producing the crop. A lack of inputs was the major constraint to soyabean production. Poor soil fertility also affected crop production in general. As a result, 46 % of the farmers left some land fallow. Farmers aimed at maximizing manure output for use in their fields. All farmers owned cattle and 66 % of them engaged in dairy. Poor dry season nutrition was the major limitation to cattle production. Utilizing the soyabean crop to tackle some of the farmers' constraints appeared viable.

SA Jnl. Agric. Ext. Vol. 33 2004: 64-76

Journal Identifiers

eISSN: 2413-3221
print ISSN: 0301-603X