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On-farm demonstrations: consideration factors for their success and viability as an extension teaching tool
Field demonstrations, aptly named on-farm demonstrations, developed under local farm conditions, require a significant amount of time for planning and implementing. The information gained from the demonstration must be adequately communicated to farmers and others regarding the viability of a practice, which also requires considerable time in planning and implementing the teaching process. Yet, minimal emphasis appears to have been placed in the literature on guidance for actual planning and implementing such demonstrations. With additional instructional information, extension workers who are highly trained or those who are less well educated may use such information to guide the process from initial planning to implementation and use of the demonstration for viable educational purposes.
This study represents the collective thoughts of seasoned and successful extension workers in North Carolina and in Trinidad who participated in a modified Delphi study. The study sought to identify the many factors to consider in using on-farm demonstrations as a key component of an extension educational program. This study resulted in the development of both the Advantages and Disadvantages associated with on-farm demonstrations located on private farms.
South African Journal of Agricultural Extension Vol.32 2003: 114-124