The study evaluated the needs and aspirations of farmers in communal or commonage grazing systems in the Free State. The study focused on communal grazing systems in Qwaqwa, Thaba-Nchu, Botshabelo as well as parts of areas in the Free State where commonage grazing systems are practiced by small-scale farmers. In this study the needs and aspirations of the farmers are related to the integration of environmental planning into communal grazing systems in the Free State, as well as security of tenure, working capital, knowledge, adequate extension services, training and water supply, timely veld fires, and co-operation amongst farmers. The needs and aspirations of livestock owners in the communal rangelands of the Free State are constrained by small farm size, population pressure, land tenure problems, distance from markets, poor transport and infrastructure. The study also reveals that integration of environmental planning into communal grazing systems in the Free State is essential for the best cattle performance and land use.
South African Journal of Agricultural Extension Vol.32 2003: 85-97