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Peripheral neuropathy and quality of life of adults living with HIV/AIDS in the Rulindo district of Rwanda
significant differences existed between QoL scores in participants with and without PN symptoms. The results indicated that 40.5% of respondents experienced PN. QoL in participants with PN showed significantly lower scores in the physical (p ¼ 0.013) and psychological (p ¼ 0.020) domains when compared with those who did not have PN. These results indicate a high prevalence of neuropathy among PLWH attending the outpatients’ clinic at Rutongo Hospital. In addition, patients with neuropathy had lower
QoL scores in the physical and psychological domains than those without neuropathy symptoms. The management of PLWH should therefore include interventions to optimise QoL as well as screening for neuropathy symptoms so that sufferers can liaise with their medical providers to find medical and supportive therapies that could assist them.