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The social and clinical characteristics of patients on antiretroviral therapy who are ‘lost to follow-up’ in KwaZulu-Natal, South Africa: a prospective study
were all cause attrition, there were 82 deaths (13.8%), 58 (7.9%) transfers, 7 (1.0%) refused participation, 8 (1.1%) were not yet on ART
and 22 (3.0%) could not be traced. Death by 12-months of follow-up was associated with lower CD4 cell counts (risk ratio, RR=2.05, confidence intervals, CI=1.20 - 3.49) and higher depression levels (RR=1.05, CI=1.01 - 1.09) at baseline assessment. The high early mortality rates indicate that patients are enrolling into ART programmes with far too advanced immunodeficiency; median CD4 cell counts 119 (IQR=59 - 163). Causes of late access to the ART programme, such as delays in health care access (delayed health care seeking), health system delays, or inappropriate treatment criteria, need to be addressed. Differences in health status (lower CD4 cell counts and higher depression scores) should be taken into account when initiating patients on ART. Treating depression at ART initiation is recommended to improve treatment outcome.